
Swing Baby

Just so you know, I took a million photos of Poppy swinging on my fish eye camera but haven't gotten them developed yet...so you may be seeing her swing again in more style.
She LOVES to swing. I took her to Battery Park at the cutest little play ground right on the water. It's the fact that I think 40 degrees is warm now. It was super nice weather and to be right on the water made my day. Little things like that are HUGE to people who live in NYC. Fresh air.
It's fun now that Poppy is getting older and wiser. She is now (has been for a month or more) feeding herself. She refuses to let me spoon feed her anymore. Miss independent. She is almost walking. Is cruising like a champ wherever she can get ahold and holds on to our hands and takes little baby steps. That's exactly what it is...baby steps. She's now bonking her head and getting injured (minor)...except for that one time last week when I had to take her to the emergency room from a mirror falling on her and splitting her back open. Oh, that wasn't minor. She is really not scared of anything. For example, dropped something on the floor while sitting on the couch and almost face planting onto the ground from trying to grab it. Oh, and she is not shy in the slightest. Took her to story time tonight at this little bookstore and right when I put her down on the grown, darted over to the front row and center. Wanted in on ALL the action. Pretty funny.
Walking around the city. That's my serious face.

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