
Spring is in the air

Ahhhhhh. Finally I can feel the warmth and feel my toes and fingers. I've actually worn just a T-shirt out side off and on the past couple weeks. These pictures are from Easter (a little behind). We've both been super busy with work and taking care of this little muffin.
Also, I have a new obsession lately for eating healthier. I've read Michael Pollan and Watched Jamie Oliver and have totally jumped on the eating fresh from scratch band wagon. Some people may call it "trendy" but I just call it common sense. Common sense that I never understood until I read the facts.
So, I'll be sharing some of my favorite recipes on the blog. Just so you know, I'm not a cook...AT ALL. All of the recipes are super easy....really, anyone could do it. I bought a bread machine and have been making all of our bread so I'll also post some great bread machine recipes.
Happy Spring!


Claire said...

ooh la la eyelashes MT

shauna.m. said...

i love eating helthy and can't cook a thing so love that u post healthy stuff that is easy...thanks! totally gonna try the asparagus one...